Unleash the full potential of your website with server-side tag management
Zaraz makes any website 40% faster with a single line of code, by optimizing how it loads third-party tools.
This results in 2x conversion rates and better SEO rankings.
Enable Zaraz on your Site
Cloudflare Zaraz gives you complete control over third-party tools and services for your website, and allows you to offload them to Cloudflare’s edge, improving the speed and security of your website.
With Cloudflare Zaraz you can load tools such as analytics tools, advertising pixels and scripts, chatbots, marketing automation tools, and more, in the most optimized way.
Cloudflare Zaraz is built for speed, privacy, and security, and you can use it to load as many tools as you need, with a near-zero performance hit.
Beto Garcia
Cloudflare Zaraz
Certified Developer
Issued by Cloudflare
This badge certifies the recipient as a Zaraz developer with expertise in supporting customers during onboarding, implementation, and configuration of Zaraz, including consultation on Managed Components.
The Cloudflare Zaraz Developers Certification was earned through an intensive online training program that included passing tests and completing a reviewed case study by the product and engineering team.